Hearing Awareness: Professional Hearing Care Makes You Smarter and Healthier.

2018-02-08T19:00:13+00:00March 30th, 2016|

In maart organiseerde ik samen met de European Hearing Instruments Manufacturers’ Association (EHIMA) en hun partnerorganisaties, de Association of the European Hearing Aid Professionals (AEA) en de Europese Federatie van Slechthorenden (EFHOH) een seminarie in het Europees Parlement. Bekijk hier het videoverslag! (Werktaal Engels) In March I hosted an event together with the European Hearing Instrument Manufacturers’ Association (EHIMA) and its partner organisations, the Association of the European Hearing Aid Professionals (AEA) and the European Federation of Hard of Hearing People (EFHOH). Watch the video report here!